Churches in York
- York has a range of active church communities.
The York Church Communities :-
Anglican Church of Holy Trinity
Corner of Newcastle and Poole Streets. Service every Sunday at 9.30am.
Enquiries Phone the Reverend Dr Canon Phillip Raymont on 0896 411 589 or 0419 177 178 or Mrs Veronica Sherwood on (08) 9641 2777, or Mrs Sally Boyle on (08) 9641 2075
Catholic Church
Corner of South Street and Howick Street
The Salvation Army
10am prayer meeting, 71 Avon Terrace
Jumble shop Monday and Friday 9am to 12 noon.
Cafe on Monday and Friday 9am to 12 noon.
Bible study groups & Women's Fellowship - 0896 412 547
Uniting Church of York
Corner of Centennial Drive and Grey Street. Services every Sunday 9.30 to 10.30am.
Bible Study (Tuesday at 2.30) and Fellowship (Friday at 2pm).
Enquiries to Kevin Trent on (08) 96412565 or 0417 175 004, or Linda Wills on (08) 9641 2182
York Congregation of Jehovah's Witness
Knight Street
Anglican Church of Holy Trinity
Corner of Newcastle and Poole Streets. Service every Sunday at 9.30am.
Enquiries Phone the Reverend Dr Canon Phillip Raymont on 0896 411 589 or 0419 177 178 or Mrs Veronica Sherwood on (08) 9641 2777, or Mrs Sally Boyle on (08) 9641 2075
Catholic Church
Corner of South Street and Howick Street
The Salvation Army
10am prayer meeting, 71 Avon Terrace
Jumble shop Monday and Friday 9am to 12 noon.
Cafe on Monday and Friday 9am to 12 noon.
Bible study groups & Women's Fellowship - 0896 412 547
Uniting Church of York
Corner of Centennial Drive and Grey Street. Services every Sunday 9.30 to 10.30am.
Bible Study (Tuesday at 2.30) and Fellowship (Friday at 2pm).
Enquiries to Kevin Trent on (08) 96412565 or 0417 175 004, or Linda Wills on (08) 9641 2182
York Congregation of Jehovah's Witness
Knight Street