York Medical Services

  • York has a multitude of small business operating within the shire.
    Many of these are obvious in the main street but there are also many in the light industrial area and in homes around the town.
Medical Services in York :-

Avon Chiropractic
6 Howick Street, York, WA, 6302
Phone 0458 959 457 or Email: avonvalleychiro@gmail.com

Cornerstone Health & Wellness
Peta Fissioli
Phone 0409 676 348 or Email: fissiolip@gmail.com
Facebook - Cornerstone-Health-And-Wellness

Northam Regional Hospital
Robinson Street, Northam, 6401
Phone: (08) 9690 1300

Occupational Therapist
6 Howick Street, York, WA, 6302
Phone (08) 9321 5339 or 0418 943 525

Star Hearing Consultants
6 Howick Street, York, WA, 6302
Phone 1800 114 327 or Email starhearing@outlook.com

Staying In Place - York and Surrounds Inc.
On Facebook, 0429 314 322, or stayinginplaceyork@gmail.com
A truly local Home Care Package support service that enables better value, more services for your package and the reliability of well-vetted, continual support that you choose according to your approved needs. We support local people to have great services provided by local people that are paid very well for their passionate support.

York Chiropractic Centre
Trews Road, York, WA, 6302
Phone: (08) 9641 1500

York General Practice
6 Howick Street, York, WA, 6302
Phone (08) 9641 0000

York Health Services
Trews Road, York, WA, 6302
Phone: (08) 9641 0200

York Hospital
Trews Road, York, WA, 6302
Phone (08) 9641 0200